Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is about creating a natural looking healthy smile that blends with existing structures. We focus on being great at matching colours and blending new restorations with the smile and face of the patient.


Teeth whitening is an amazing way to enhance your natural smile.

In-Chair Whitening

Summer Hill Smiles & Petersham Smiles offers Zoom Teeth Whitening for a faster whitening option. Professional teeth whitening with Philips Zoom is a safe and effective treatment used by millions of people worldwide.

Take-Home Whitening Trays

Take home kits involve wearing a mouth guard with whitening gel in place for as little as 15 minutes at a time. These kits whiten teeth at a slower rate, but usually with less sensitivity and still long-lasting results. If you want to know more about our take home kits tailored to your needs, get in touch with us to see what is suitable for you.


Cosmetic dentistry works to enhance your natural existing tooth whether it is the shape, colour, size or position.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers work by applying a super-thin ceramic porcelain shell placed directly to the front surface of your polished tooth enamel.

Benefits of porcelain veneers include:

  • Looks more authentic like real enamel due to similar high-shine and reaction to light.

  • Much greater strength durability and stain-resistance compared to composite due to its harder material property.

  • Laboratory-made

Composite Edge Bonding

Very similar to composite veneers, composite edge bonding covers less tooth surface than composite veneers do. This procedure is great to even out uneven or jagged teeth edges that could be caused by natural wear and tear, night grinding or stress clenching.


Orthodontics is used in many ways to enhance a smile.

Veneers a lot of the times cannot replace the need for orthodontic treatment.

Clear Aligners

Invisalign uses a series of custom-made removable aligners, made of virtually invisible plastic. The aligners are worn over your teeth to gradually move them to the ideal position, and being clear they are hardly noticeable.

Invisalign is both a very discreet, and a highly aesthetic option – but does require discipline. The clear aligners need to be worn 22 hours a day to be effective.


Braces are a treatment to move teeth in the mouth, involving brackets on each tooth connected by a wire to enhance their position over time.

Technological advancements have transformed braces, and at Summer Hill Smiles, we provide clear ceramic brackets for patients seeking a more aesthetic and discreet option.

Composite Veneers

Composite is a resin-plastic material that is manipulated into shape and bonded freehandedly directly onto the tooth in order to achieve the outcome you are looking for.

Benefits of composite veneers include:

  • Amazing results at a much lower cost compared to porcelain veneers.

  • Can be applied in one visit as they are sculpted onto the teeth on the same day.

  • If a small repair needs to be done, composite can be resolved much more easily and cheaper than porcelain veneers.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can often cause you to have dicomfort everyday.

If you are suffering from the following symptoms, it may be best to look into getting it treated:

  • Not being confident in smiling.

  • Not being able to eat comfortably or evenly.

  • Your bite does not feel right.

  • Jaw pain.

Dental Implants

One of the options to replace a missing tooth is a dental implant. A dental implant is a synthetic tooth replacement often made with a core of titanium which is then covered with a natural looking ceramic colour matched to your teeth.

Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or to support partial or full dentures. Implants and crowns remain inside the mouth and do not require any adhesives to hold them in place.

Dental Bridges

Another option we offer to replace a missing tooth is a dental bridge. When creating a bridge, we use the support of other teeth to hold on to the bridge.

Creating a bridge for you is a quick procedure, and we can give you a new tooth on the day of preparation, with a permanent tooth to match your smile after a few weeks.